pardot199062=fb2a23db1a658cf885c7bb70388a9b72230e30c327ed0389cd0dae04bbda9ef9 Notes

  • Update process
    • Dropbox// mx
      Documents/Dev/ MX2
      • This is the mixture version. 
      • Make changes here, then re-press out an HTML version
      • Grab the updated CSS file and install it here – to this page
      • Grab the static CSS URL and then replace the mixture CSS call to the Squarespace static
      • Copy the new index.html file to: 
        • Dropbox// Salesforce
        • Salesforce just needs the CSS path (dropbox above is for testing and confirmation)


  • Current CSS files (Aug 22, 2016):

    Below: this is the css file with all the styles

    Below: this is the Google font file which should also be added (since we can't access TypeKit)
  • Dropbox Link to final file (screen cap below)
New css file with updates for fonts, link colors and button.

New css file with updates for fonts, link colors and button.

In order to create a button, add either of the above classes.

In order to create a button, add either of the above classes.

To center a button add <div class="center"> in front of the element and then </div> after it to achieve: 

To center a button add

in front of the element and then
after it to achieve: 

To set a link, copy the link address

To set a link, copy the link address

Then paste the full link within the HREF. When the site goes live, we'll need to change the links from:    to

Then paste the full link within the HREF. When the site goes live, we'll need to change the links from:    to


Files hosted here